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1000 years of history, 3 countries, 2 days..

Are you ready for a whirlwind tour of all things war and European destruction? That's what you do when you've got 3 boys, ages 10 - 15 to entertain for a couple of days :) Our good friends from Paris came for a couple of days at the beginning of our fall break. She's got 2 boys, ages 11 and 15, and her youngest is a war buff (as is my son), so we decided it would be good to hit a couple of key sites within 2 hours or less from Brussels. First up was Waterloo. We've climbed the "Butte de Lion" but haven't watched the movies there or visited the museum in downtown Waterloo that we've passed dozens of times. The movies were really well done and helped us to better understand the Battle of Waterloo and it's key players. And after witnessing all that Napolean has destroyed in the last year all over Europe, I was happy to finally re-learn the history of this battle that was his ultimate defeat. Gold stars for the Bristish and Prussians! The museum was less impressive. It was informative, but just not as interactive and "new" as some of our favorite museums that we've visited. It was fun creaking around in the actual house that Wellington stayed in though..

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