What an eventful few hours we had last night! here's the timeline: 3pm - Hubby texts me from Antwerp where he's working saying it will get nasty for the commute home. Snowing big fluffly flakes there. Since we've not gotten a lot of snow in Brussels (and we hear it rarely does), I tell him I'll believe it when I see it! 4pm - K takes the bus to swim from school. It's really starting to come down. Texting with our dinner date asking if she's worried? Should I be? 4:30pm - really coming down now. Getting nervous about taking my little Twingo out in the snow (I've never driven in the snow and live on the top of a hill!). Watching a small car slide down said hill about now. Trying to call a couple of friends to see if they can bring home K from swim so I don't have to get out. Hubs has gone 5 miles in 55 min. He'll be REALLY late.
4:45pm - decide to get out and drive the 2.5 miles to the pool. It takes me about 30 min to get 1.5 miles. About a mile out, a guy is flagging down cars to tell them not to attempt to go up the hill I need to go up to get K. hmm..
5:20pm Turn car around, park, and take sick C (who's been home for an ENTIRE week bc of bronchitis) with me walking for about 15 min to the pool.
5:35pm Just a tad late, eveyone else is looking a little shell-shocked from their commutes to the pool. Stories are coming in of spouses being stranded.. crazy! NICE friend with snow tired offers us a ride home. THANK YOU LORD!
6:30pm Safe and back at home.. finally talk to our dinner date and neither of our hubs are home yet. Reschedule!
8:30pm Hubby safely arrives at home after 4.5 hours on the road! Thank goodness there's a long way around the hill to our house. Glad to have all my little chickies in La Porte Bleue for the night ;)
7am awaken to a beautiful white Brussels. I check facebook, and my bff in Denver has like 10 times the amount of snow we had! .. Just when I thought our little snow cover was impressive... haha..
9:30am Hubby and I go retrieve our car. No problems. Take my camera and got a few shots.
11:30am Bundle everyone up and go for a short walk. We live on the edge of the woods, so we wanted to see how pretty the woods would be. Me and Miss C came back shortly, so we can keep her healthy for the next snow!
These are from Friday afternoon before we went to grab K.
